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Beauvoir, Simone de "The Ethics of Ambiguity" Translated by Bernard Frechtman. New York: The Citadel Press. 1962 |
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Cockburn, Catharine Trotter "A Defence of Mr Locke’s Essay of Human Understanding" In Catharine Trotter Cockburn: philosophical writings. Edited by Patricia Sheridan. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press. 2006 (1702) |
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Masham, Damaris "A Discourse Concerning the Love of God in Philosophical Works of Damaris Lady Masham" Edited by J. Buikerrood. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2005 (1696) |
Midgley, Mary "On Trying out one’s New Sword on a Chance Wayfarer" The Listener 15, no. December. 1977 |
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Nussbaum, Martha "Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach" Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1988): 32–53 1988 |
Nussbaum, Martha "Radical Evil: Helplessness, Narcicism, Contamination" In Political Emotions. 161–98. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. 2013 |
O'Neill, Onora "Duties and Virtues" Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 35: 107–20. 1993 |