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Astell, Mary "Astell: Political Writings" Edited by Patricia Springborg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996 (1697-1722) |
Fauré , Christine "Rights or Virtues: Women and the Republic" In Republicanism a shared European Heritage, edited by Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner. 125-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2002 |
Green, Karen "Parity and Procedural Justice" Essays in Philosophy 7 (1): Article 4. 2006 |
Kittay, Eva Feder "Human Dependency and Rawlsian Equality" In Feminists Rethink the Self, edited by Diana Tiejens Meyers. 219-66. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1997 |
Macaulay, Catharine "Loose Remarks on certain positions to be found in Mr Hobbes's "Philosophical rudiments of government and society," with a short sketch of a democratical form of government, In a letter to Signor Paoli" London: T. Davies, in Russell-street, Covent Garden; Robinson and Roberts, in Pater-noster Row; and T. Cadell, in the Strand. 1767 |
Macaulay, Catharine "Observations on the Reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the Revolution in France, in a Letter for the Right Hon. The Earl of Stanhope" London: C. Dilly. 1790 |
Pateman, Carole "Freedom and Democratization: Why Basic Income is to be Preferred to Basic Capital" In The Ethics of Stakeholding, edited by Keith Dowding, Jurgen De Wispelaere and Stuart White. 130-148. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 |
Pizan, Christine de "The Book of the Body Politic" Translated by Kate Langdon Forhan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994 (1407) |
Spence, Catherine "Effective Voting: one vote, one value" Adelaide: Burden and Bonython. 1893 |
Still, Judith "Justice and Difference in the Works of Rousseau" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1993 |
Wollstonecraft, Mary "A Vindication of the Rights of Women and Hints" Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995 (1792) |
Wright, Joanne H. "Going against the grain: Hobbes's case for original maternal domination" Journal of Women's History 14 (1): 123-50. 2002 |