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Women's Works
Fostering the inclusion of women authored texts in the Philosophy curriculum
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Epistemology - 19
General - 9
Philosophy of Mathematics - 2
Philosophy of Science - 8
Ethics - 48
Bioethics - 7
Environmental Ethics - 3
General - 25
Meta-Ethics - 7
Sexuality - 5
Language - 16
General - 13
Logic - 11
General - 10
Metaphysics - 56
Freedom/Agency/Moral Psychology - 14
General - 7
God - 4
Humanity - 5
Mind/Body - 14
Personal Identity - 2
Realism/Idealism - 4
Space and Time - 4
Philosophy of Mind - 12
Politics - 75
15th-17th Century - 5
18th-19th Century - 4
20th-21st Century - 8
Aesthetics - 4
Economics - 6
Feminism - 19
Feminism and the History of Philosophy - 8
General - 18
Law - 1
What is philosophy? - 4
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Adams Marilyn McCord
Alcoff Linda Martin
Anderson Elizabeth
Annas Julia
Anscombe G.E.M.
Antony Louise M
Ariew Roger
Asmis Elizabeth
Astell Mary
Atherton Margaret
Baier Annette
Baker Lynne Rudder
Beauvoir Simone de
Bobzien Susanne
Brennan Teresa
Broad Jacqueline
Broadie Sarah
Brown Deborah
Butler Judith
Card Claudia
Cartwright Nancy
Chadha Monima
Chapone Sarah
Chudleigh Mary
Churchland Patricia S
Cockburn Catharine Trotter
Constance Jones E.E.
de Gournay Marie le Jars
de Laguna Grace A
Devereaux Mary
Du Châtelet Emilie
Dworkin Andrea
Edgington Dorothy
Fara Delia Graff
Fauré Christine
Fine Cordelia
Fonte Moderata
Foot Philippa
Frede Dorothea
Goddard Eliza
Gokcecus Samin
Green Karen
Greene Marjorie
Guttman Amy
Haack Susan
Haaparanta Leila
Harding Sandra
Hawley Katherine
Held Virginia
Hesse Mary
Hornsby Jennifer
Hursthouse Rosalind
Irigaray Luce
Ismael Jennan
Jagger Alison M
Jaworska Agnieszka
Jeffreys Sheila
Kennett Jeanette
Kittay Eva Feder
Kneale Martha
Korsgaard Christine M
Langer Susanne K
Langton Rae
Le Dœuff Michèle
Lloyd Genevieve
Longino Helen
Macaulay Catharine
Maddy Penelope
Marcus Ruth Barcan
Marinella Lucrezia
Marjorie Grene
Masham Damaris
Midgley Mary
Millikan Ruth Garrett
Mothersill Mary
Murdoch Iris
Nida-Rümelin Martine
Norris John
Nussbaum Martha
O'Neill Eileen
O'Neill Onora
Okin Susan Moller
Olberding Amy
Partee Barbara H
Pateman Carole
Paul Laurie
Pizan Christine de
Plumwood Val
Sapiro Virginia
Satz Debra
Schechtman Marya
Scott Joan W
Shapiro Lisa
Smith Hilda L
Spence Catherine
Still Judith
Street Sharon
Stump Eleonore
Suchon Gabrielle
Thomas Emily
Thomasson Amie L
Thomson Judith Jarvis
Warnock Mary
Warren Karen
Wittig Monique
Wolf Susan
Wollstonecraft Mary
Wright Joanne H.
Young Iris Marion
Zagzebski Linda
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Anscombe, G.E.M.
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Anscombe, G.E.M.
"Modern Moral Philosophy"
Philosophy 33: 1–19.
Anscombe, G.E.M.
"Under a Description"
Noûs 13: 219–33.
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